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#Selena Gomez transplant rinichi #Selena Gomez lupus #selena gomez

Selena Gomez, pe patul de spital! A facut un transplant de rinichi

Selena Gomez nu le-a ascuns fanilor faptul ca sufera de o boala autoimuna incurabila lupus! Recent le-a marturisit cat de grava este starea sa.

Selena Gomez a marturisit pe Instagram ca pusul i-a afectat atat de mult rinichii, incat acestia nu mai functionau. Prietena sa , Francia Raisa, a fost cea care a acceptat sa ii doneze un rinichi.

”Mi-a oferit darul suprem, sacrificiul suprem. Ma simt binecuvantata. Te iubesc asa de mult, surioara. Lupusul este o boala putin inteleasa, dar se fac progrese”, a spus Selena, indemnandu-si fanii sa citeasca mai mult despre aceasta boala.


I’m very aware some of my fans had noticed I was laying low for part of the summer and questioning why I wasn’t promoting my new music, which I was extremely proud of. So I found out I needed to get a kidney transplant due to my Lupus and was recovering. It was what I needed to do for my overall health. I honestly look forward to sharing with you, soon my journey through these past several months as I have always wanted to do with you. Until then I want to publicly thank my family and incredible team of doctors for everything they have done for me prior to and post-surgery. And finally, there aren’t words to describe how I can possibly thank my beautiful friend Francia Raisa. She gave me the ultimate gift and sacrifice by donating her kidney to me. I am incredibly blessed. I love you so much sis. Lupus continues to be very misunderstood but progress is being made. For more information regarding Lupus please go to the Lupus Research Alliance website: -by grace through faith

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